Sunday, January 8, 2012

Have You Lost Your Edge?

Today's church sermon revolved around the Bible scripture found in 2 Kings 6:1-7. This is where the prophet Elisha recovers a servant's axe head from the water by tossing a stick where it descended.

The pastor shifted to illustrating the axe head as a metaphor for our passion or skill-set. More importantly, not being able to succeed without sharpening ones axe head. The problem, he went on, was what happens when one has lost his axe head, or edge. Here are somethings to ask yourself if or when that happens:

1. Where did your edge fall?

2. When did your edge begin to get dull?

3. What are you going to do to get your edge back?

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

There Are Cat People and There Are Computer People

Once upon a time if someone had told me, so and so has eight cats, I would have reacted like, o_O (e.g. think Mr. Spock's raised-eyebrow expression on Star Trek).

Looking around my home office just now, I've counted one desktop computer, one net-book, three laptops, and four mobile devices. That's almost like having nine cats, except three of the aforementioned computers and mobile device are dead. o_O, big time.