Yes, I'm confused myself; and I started using Windows back when they were black and white, and not in color ;). But seriously, Microsoft has a unique opportunity with Windows 8. However, they may have taken the you-never-can-be-too-rich-or-too-thin saying a bit too far.
It's important to tweak one's brand when it's clearly dated. Even I had to eventually donate my Bill Cosby sweaters. However, I believe one should never screw with aspects of one's brand to the point that they are confusing (at best) or (worse) unrecognizable. Remember "
Real Coke"?
When long-time Windows users start asking, "Where's the Start button?", that's not a good sign. Hopefully, Microsoft will quickly pivot to correct this.
As for me, I'm considering a Windows Mobile Phone, or a Windows Phone 8, or a Windows 8 Phone...
. I don't even know what to call it now. Hold on, I'm heading to Microsoft, I'll be right back.
Okay, I'm back. Ahem. "Widows Phone" and "Windows Phone 8" are appropriate and accepted nomenclature.
Anyway, I'd already seen the new tiled, user interface on the previous Windows Phone (see how easy that was for me to write) example, and it got my attention. However, I was awaiting Windows 8 with its significant
changes, to decide on the operating system in general. So, my plan is to get my hands on one over this weekend for a test run. Stay tuned.