Wednesday, February 25, 2009

What Do Bobby Jindal and Bobby Brown Have in Common?

They both took "my prerogative" to heart when they had the mic. Listening to the GOP rebuttal yesterday, it's clear to me (now more than ever) that Bobby Jindal has already started his 2012 presidential bid. Unfortunately, he too may have drank the trickle-down-economics kool-aid. If I were he, I would do what Jamal did in "Slumdog Millionaire" and phone-a-friend. Preferably a non-GOP friend from New England. He may not get the answer he's looking for, but it will spur some much needed innovating thinking the GOP needs to engage in. Here's a primer.

  • What would it take to keep a GOP primary loss in Massachusetts to single digits?
  • Why did Democrats like John McCain.
  • What can the GOP learn from pro-life Christians?

Personally, as a currently, registered Democrat. I believe Bobby Jindal is the best shot the GOP have..for 2016. That's for another post though. Gone are the days when a presidential candidate can win with just the folks from his or her party. The electorate has been fooled and burned twice already, recently AND by the GOP.

I love to see the GOP work furiously to reinvent itself. Realization that one has a problem is usually the beginning of wisdom. However, they will have to be legitimately interested in the broadening of their base. No Palin, no Rove'n, no Shock and Awe, and no aw shucks.

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