Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Issue 100 - Be You Because Everybody Else Is Taken

The hundredth post. I remember back in my comic collecting days, where the next must have issue after the first, was the hundredth. Who knows if this will be such a post? Does it matter? To whom?

The path and vibe of this blog has changed since I started it last year, and I've decided that it's for the better. I'm being me versus someone else, so it works.

To Chris Guillebeau's point (Google "Art of Non-Conformity" for a proper intro to Chris G.), there's no point trying to be someone other than oneself. One, it can't be sustained. Two, if you ever get found out, you'll be vilified for admitting you were pretending to be someone else.

I learned almost a decade ago that (as a writer) you never, ever know what piece of writing you do that will strike a chord with people. However, I do know this. If that writing lit you up when you were writing it...odds are, it'll light up the reader too.

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