Mobile Development:
Our sophomore iOS app (our first, DTCcaterTM was released last fall), MotrAideTM, currently in development, is slated for a second beta release this Fall. With this project, I was able to indulge my love of maps using the Google Maps API. Although, Apple being (well) Apple, threw me a curve ball with the disappearance of Google Maps with the release of iOS 6. You all know by now how well that turned out.
The death of Apple has once again been greatly exaggerated though. Despite the media pundits chagrin with Apple, and Apple's slightly lower market share compared to the beginning of this year, I'm still quite bullish on Apple. In fact, I'm saving my lunch money for the iWatch, whenever that comes out. Besides, Google Glass would be redundant for me, as I refuse to wear contacts.
I still hear the siren calls of Android, Window Mobile, and Blackberry, and in that order. However, it's important to, "say no to a thousand things," to quote Steve Job, in order to focus for optimum results and success. Still, I couldn't resist and I'm now running Windows 8 on a beat up, left for dead, what used to be called tablet PC, laptop. Plus, I'm currently taking the Android SDK via Eclipse for a test drive.
Kindle Publishing:
After rethinking our approach to our second Kindle ebook project, and shuffling completing priorities, the revised project is on our road-map for Winter 2013.
Enterprise Technical Support
Demand continues to increase for skilled technical support services for enterprise systems. As these system become more distributed, complex, and dependent on third party platforms, the ability to adapt as quickly as possible to the needs of organizations and their customers, while leveraging our core competences is even more important.
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