Monday, September 23, 2013

Take Heart, Have Courage

More raw sermon notes, from the iPod:

Sermon "courage":

Take heart. A God-size dream is bigger than you and your resources Courage is to proceed despite fear. 1. Courage is not waiting for fear to go away. Wherever there is uncertainty there will always be a need for leaders 2. Anyone can be courageous What would you do if you aren't afraid? (from Who Moved My Cheese 3. Courage is not innate but developed Progress requires courage 4. Courage is feeling fear but choosing to act anyway. Have the courage to listen and obey God If a man beget an hundred children, and live many years, so that the days of his years be many, and his soul be not filled with good, and also that he have no burial; I say, that an untimely birth is better than he. For he cometh in with vanity, and departeth in darkness, and his name shall be covered with darkness. Moreover he hath not seen the sun, nor known any thing: this hath more rest than the other. Yea, though he live a thousand years twice told, yet hath he seen no good: do not all go to one place? (Ecclesiastes 6:3-6 KJV) There is no security in that which is no longer meaningful.

Friday, September 13, 2013

For Men Only: How To Never Lose Another Umbrella

Make sure your lady is OUT of the room.
Or better yet, out of the house. Are you all set? Good. I'll make it short, 
in case she sneaks back in, because you were so eager to get her out, that you
 overdid it by giving her your credit card and car keys. Here it is... Get a pink umbrella. Get
 a tote-sized, bright, monochrome pink (that's pink only, for you art majors) umbrella. I've 
had  mine for seven years, or something. Ain't no shame fellas. Ain't no shame. I've left it at work, 
on the bus, in restaurants, at Fenway Park, at my mama house...and it's always gotten back to 
me , before I've gotten too far. Once you get yours... Men will be too embarrassed to steal it. 
will want 
to see 
the look of 
horror on your 
face when they 
return it and 
then compliment 
you about being 
secure in your 
Kids won't 
want it, 
because kids 
don't want 
what they 
already have 
or that you're 
too eager to 
give to them, 
such as chores, 
advice, and 
And after all 
this time, I've 
finally figured 
out to fix my 
umbrella when 
the canopy 
from the tips.
If you want 
to know how, 
let me know
...if you dare. :)

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Would You Buy, and Wear A Smart-watch Daily?
I haven't worn a dumb-watch (reads much better than "non-smart-watch") since 2000. The use-cases for smart-watches in general haven't yet been clearly defined.

I carry and use multiple mobile devices and laptops, daily. I own five lovely dumb-watches; one which has served as my alarm clock for years. I still don't wear dumb-watches. I love dumb-watches. I always have. I always will. I just don't like wearing them.

Why? If you have a dumb-watch on your wrist, you're most likely to check the time way more often than you absolutely need to. You can't resist because a different time is always going to be presented to you whenever you check. There's no way to easily stop that habit with a dumb-watch, than to...not wear the dumb-watch. That's fine. That's what dumb-watches do best: present you something different every second of your life.

I will happily wear those rubber bracelets; the likes of which were pioneered by the Livestrong Foundation. The rubber bracelet currently on my wrist is about style and personal branding; a kind of removable tattoo. Still, I'm very interested in the iWatch. Although, any smart-watch would have to have at least these four characteristics, to compel me to wear it daily:

  • A fashion accessory that is customizable to my personal style and branding. If the watch died, I'd still be compelled to wear it until I could get it fixed or could get a replacement
  • A state-of-the-art, customizable, push-notification (alert) system that reduces my time on all other devices and apps I use, including the time and inconvenience of to pulling them out or/and loading them up and connecting to use them
  • It doesn't constantly have to be paired to another device to be useful and enjoyable

Friday, September 6, 2013

You Know You're A Geek...

...when a co-worker sends you this over chat:

...and then you laugh your ass off.