Make sure your lady is OUT of the room.
Or better yet, out of the house. Are you all set? Good. I'll make it short,
in case she sneaks back in, because you were so eager to get her out, that you
overdid it by giving her your credit card and car keys. Here it is... Get a pink umbrella. Get
a tote-sized, bright, monochrome pink (that's pink only, for you art majors) umbrella. I've
had mine for seven years, or something. Ain't no shame fellas. Ain't no shame. I've left it at work,
on the bus, in restaurants, at Fenway Park, at my mama house...and it's always gotten back to
me , before I've gotten too far. Once you get yours... Men will be too embarrassed to steal it.
will want
to see
the look of
horror on your
face when they
return it and
then compliment
you about being
secure in your
Kids won't
want it,
because kids
don't want
what they
already have
or that you're
too eager to
give to them,
such as chores,
advice, and
And after all
this time, I've
finally figured
out to fix my
umbrella when
the canopy
from the tips.
If you want
to know how,
let me know
...if you dare. :)
How do you fix it?
Twist ties!
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