Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Is The Iranian 2009 Election Their Bush 2004?

In almost typical fashion there was major political outrage at the results of the 2009 Iranian presidential election. Surprise-surprise, the person public opinion (here in the U.S.) wanted out, the incumbent, won.

I had one foot in the bandwagon myself, then I listened to National Public Radio's, On Point with Tom Ashbrook, to get some perspective. There were people who thought the whole thing was rigged, not unlike our Bush 2004. Then there were those individuals who felt that based on the political make-up of the country, and a previous poll, it was more likely than not, the right guy was declared president, even if they didn't or wouldn't have voted for him.

Then I asked myself if I thought the election was stolen. I couldn't neither prove nor disprove the point with any credibility, because I don't live and breath in Iran, nor do I have a sense of the political climate to the level that I do here (in the U.S.).

The good news for Iranians is that the president-elect is on notice to improve the lot of the disenfranchised. He, not unlike Dubya, would ignore the people at his peril.

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