Saturday, May 24, 2014

Two Questions For #YesAllWomen

Ask at least three men you know well, who have and do treat you with respect, the following questions:

1. How did you learn to treat women the way you do today?
2. Who were your teachers?

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

B.E.A.N. Police 3.0 - Available Soon

The next installment in the B.E.A.N Police, science fiction saga, It Sometimes Snows in May, God-willing, will be available on Amazon for Kindle* this weekend.

Also, for you original netizens, let me know if a Kindle version of the original B.E.A.N. Police novel is of interest. I'm thinking about doing a 15-year (i.e. 2017) anniversary edition for Kindle. If I can't find or get the digital master of the manuscript, I'll have to type it out (oh no), hence the heads-up. That's fine though, if folks are really interested.

*device or app

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Free Comic Book Day - 2014

Usually, I don't realize I've missed Free Comic Book Day until after the fact. This year though the stars were in alignment. Since the kids would be with me all day and were already dressed by the time I woke up, it was easy to say, "I know what we're going to do today!"